#21 It’s Not You... It Takes Time. artwork
Solopreneur Life

#21 It’s Not You... It Takes Time.

  • E21
  • 42:11
  • September 17th 2021

TITLE: It’s Not You. It Takes Time.

When bad things happen, good people blame themselves. But not this time! If you’ve hit a plateau and can’t seem to grow your business, it’s not you. Here’s what you need to know.

Have you ever felt stuck? You can’t seem to get the clients you want. You can’t get that next level of projects. Your fees are so 2005…

Let me begin by saying, “It’s not you.”

You aren’t doing anything wrong. You’re not unfit to run your own business. You’re just running up against normal market pressures. The solopreneur life is fun, but it can be a roller coaster. So we just need to remind ourselves that rollercoasters are fun…

AND learn how to set realistic expectations and keep moving forward no matter what.

Like Luke Cage says, “Always forward.”

Welcome to the Solopreneur Life Podcast. I’m your host, Kathryn Aragon.

At Solopreneur Life, our mission is to equip you with the skills, habits, and mindsets you need to grow a thriving business. Your future starts today, so let’s build something that gives you real freedom and flexibility. I hope you’ll join us every week as we dive into the nitty-gritty of going solo.

Today, we’re talking about how to manage your expectations, your time, and the ups and downs of the Solopreneur Life.

But before we dive in...


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TOPIC 1: They always make it sound too easy.

Is it a sales pitch? Or a snow job? Not sure.

Coaches and trainers sell you on the idea that solo success is easy. But it’s never as easy as they say, is it?

You find yourself struggling…. And believe it’s you. Wrong. It’s a biz. That’s the reality of being self-employed.

Like raising kids. As fun and fulfilling as it is, It’s hard work.

It takes time. There are no guarantees that you're doing the right thing.

How we manage the chaos: We EAT.

1. Try to identify the problem

2. Create a hypothesis for fixing it

3. Try it

4. Evaluate, adapt, and tweak. (EAT)

TOPIC 2: The 2 T’s of growth: Time and Testing

keep listening for more great tips.

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Solopreneur Life

You may work solo, but you should never go it alone.

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