#22 Do You Really Need a Niche? artwork
Solopreneur Life

#22 Do You Really Need a Niche?

  • E22
  • 44:46
  • September 24th 2021

You’ve been told you need to find a niche, but you like being a generalist. Is there a real benefit to niching your biz? That’s what we cover in this smart episode.


First thing they tell you to do as a new freelancer or solopreneur is to find a niche. But a lot of us, me included, really resist that idea.

  • We like a wide variety of projects.
  • We don’t know yet what we want to do when we grow up.
  • We can list the names of other successful solos who made it big as a generalist.

Today’s episode doesn’t come from someone who is a die-hard fan of finding a niche. I fought it every step of the way. 

Welcome to the Solopreneur Life Podcast. I’m your host, Kathryn Aragon. 

At Solopreneur Life, our mission is to equip you with the skills, habits, and mindsets you need to grow a thriving business. Your future starts today, so let’s build something that gives you real freedom and flexibility. Join us every week as we dive into the nitty-gritty of going solo.

Today, we’re talking about finding a niche — and whether or not it’s true that taking a smaller piece of the pie will give you more respect, better clients, and more income.

But before we dive in...


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