#35  The #1 Piece of Advice No One Is Sharing artwork
Solopreneur Life

#35 The #1 Piece of Advice No One Is Sharing

  • E35
  • 36:10
  • January 22nd 2022


10 days ago: major surgery

Throughout my years as a solopreneur, I’ve been faced with surgeries, illnesses, deaths in the family, moves, and more.

Life doesn’t slow down because you’re busy or have a deadline.

So today’s episode is vital. I’m going to tell you what I’ve learned to navigate the biggest challenges -- without it putting you out of business.

Welcome to the Solopreneur Life Podcast. I’m your host, Kathryn Aragon.

At Solopreneur Life, our mission is to help solopreneurs and freelancers launch and grow a 6-figure business without overwhelm or burnout. Learn the skills, habits, and mindsets you need to build a business that’s not only profitable — it’s fun.

Today, we’re talking about The #1 Piece of Advice No One Is Sharing.

But before we dive in...


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