The Power of Microtargeting with Facebook Ads artwork
Step Up Your Social

The Power of Microtargeting with Facebook Ads

  • E4
  • 10:10
  • January 8th 2019

If you run ads on Facebook without first building quality audiences, it's like you're standing in the street, throwing expensive flyers in the air, and hoping for the best.

Facebook offers you the opportunity to microtarget based on tons of different factors. In this episode, we talk about the importance of microtargeting, as well as provide an overview of the three different Facebook advertising audience types: custom, lookalike and saved.

Step Up Your Social

Step Up Your Social is a flash podcast series, providing quick, actionable tips to help you master your social media. Most episodes run ~10 minutes or less. Have a topic you want us to cover? Tweet it at us ( using #StepUpYourSocial.