Why Warren Buffet Is A Better Writer Than You artwork
Step Up Your Social

Why Warren Buffet Is A Better Writer Than You

  • E9
  • 04:51
  • March 27th 2019

Warren Buffet is a better writer than you for one simple reason: he knows his audience and he writes directly for them. Are you doing the same?

Don't write your content for "the world," rather write it for an individual. Don't try to make yourself *sound* smart. Try to make your reader *feel* smart.

This episode covers some takeaways from Social Media Marketing World 2019 and pulls from a great presentation given by Ann Handley, the author of Everybody Writes.

Step Up Your Social

Step Up Your Social is a flash podcast series, providing quick, actionable tips to help you master your social media. Most episodes run ~10 minutes or less. Have a topic you want us to cover? Tweet it at us (twitter.com/ReverbalC) using #StepUpYourSocial.