Sarah Zylstra: What Pastors Should Do When Discouraged by All the Bad News artwork
Stetzer Leadership Podcast

Sarah Zylstra: What Pastors Should Do When Discouraged by All the Bad News

  • S3E3
  • 27:57
  • September 1st 2021

We're moving!

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Stetzer Leadership Podcast

Season 1 of the Stetzer Leadership podcast was dedicated to helping church leaders navigate through the new reality of the coronavirus. Season 2 of the Stetzer Leadership podcast expands beyond the coronavirus, offering insight to help leaders navigate this unique cultural moment we now find ourselves in, alongside our hosts, Ed Stetzer and Daniel Yang.

Ed Stetzer and Daniel Yang interview leaders such as Rick Warren, Andy Stanley, Matt Chandler, Andy Crouch, and Senator Marco Rubio to better understand how we can respond faithfully and responsibly to the current crisis.