The 3Bs - Botanicals Berries and Bands artwork
Still Magic

The 3Bs - Botanicals Berries and Bands

  • S1E4
  • 16:12
  • June 11th 2020

Episode 4

Welcome to the Still Magic Podcast, your one-click audio stop for all things gin be it gin making, gin production, gin distilling, gin manufacturing, gin commercialising, gin tasting, gin drinking, gin steeping and everything else in between.

This episode provides a closer look at the 1st of the 3 Bs; Botanicals, but more specifically the role that juniper berries play in all gin making. 

Botanicals is the term used to describe the plant-based flavour sources in all gin. All gin must contain juniper to fit the product definition. In this podcast you’ll learn that Juniper possesses a vast array of compounds (called terpenes) whose taste and aroma characteristics range from lemon to nutmeg.

But juniper on its own does not result in gin as this podcast will demonstrate; in gin there is no such thing as a ‘one-man-band’. Distillers over the years have created a reference library for supporting botanicals, grouping them by their respective taste and aroma characteristics. 

Recognising this, provides distillers with the opportunity to select supporting botanicals that can enhance the characteristics that juniper has to offer. Season 1 Episode 5 examines the role that the supporting botanicals play when creating Bases with juniper.

To help reinforce this approach and concept, the podcast explores the similarities between two musical trios, from different eras, influenced by different musical forces prevalent at the time.

There is a big 4 of Classical music, a big 4 of metal and even a big 4 (or 5) of gin botanicals, often described as a canon. The musical references started a long time ago and are still valuable today.

Gin reflects ‘the times’, beginning with the head days of 18th century Gin Lane and a city awash with gin, to the measured and selective approach that prevails today via the #drinkbetter ethos. 

Music has undergone a similar journey, albeit far lengthier and more culturally pervasive. Gin making and music making start with getting the basics right.

Be bold. Enjoy yourselves. Let's create the next gin narrative.

Still Magic paperback, digital and audio copies available from your favourite online stores

Narrator: Marcel Thompson



Still Magic

Hosted by award winning gin distiller and educator Marcel Thompson, the Still Magic podcast provides insights concerning gin making, gin producing, gin distilling, gin manufacturing, gin commercialising, gin tasting, gin drinking gin steeping and everything else in between.

Each podcast episode brings gin's centuries-long history to life in a contemporary setting, season by season. This includes assessing an array of different gins in efforts to determine what makes a great gin.

Local and international distillers share their insights as well. You'll receive a rare glimpse into the energy, passion, and desire that manifests itself as wonderful products people enjoy worldwide.

Collective experiences from episode guests will show that the following principles are as applicable to a gin making journey as any other new, exciting, or challenging endeavour

  •         Simplicity is best;
  •         Less is more;
  •         Inexperience is no barrier to success.

Be bold. Enjoy yourselves. Let's create the next gin narrative...