Jamie Baxter - The Artisan Distiller artwork
Still Magic

Jamie Baxter - The Artisan Distiller

  • S3E9
  • 1:16:20
  • September 22nd 2020

Episode 24 – Heritage, Guardianship and Legacy

Welcome to the Still Magic Podcast your one click audio stop for all things gin. Be it gin making, gin producing, gin distilling, gin manufacturing, gin commercialising, gin tasting, gin, drinking gin, steeping, and everything else in between

There are pivotal moments in everyone’s career where you’re presented with known options, and on occasion, something completely unexpected. Such occasions may be summed up by what former 2-time US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld once famously refer to as “unknown unknowns”

Today's guest on the Distillers’ Voice came face to face with one such occasion in 2006

Jamie Baxter’s craft distilling foray was the product of remarkable circumstances and a willingness to take on something new, exciting, and most likely somewhat terrifying at the same time.

Tyrrells Chips owner Will Chase sought Jamie’s help to build a muesli factory at his Herefordshire farm location, in England’s West Midlands. Jamie procured the kit required to get things underway and then took a pre-arranged holiday with his family some 6 weeks later.

Upon his return to Herefordshire, Jamie had learnt that building a muesli plant was now off the table and the equipment orders he’d place were no longer required. But in true leadership fashion, Will Chase had other plans; he now wanted to build a distillery to make potato vodka and asked Jamie for help. An offer one would be unwise to refuse!

Chase Distillery

In 2006, the minimum size for a still was 1,800 litres and notion of craft distilling in its current form was illegal at that time. Interestingly, it became clear to both Jamie and Will that an 1,800 litre still with the supporting infrastructure required was not going to cut it, so they went big, very big; how about a beautifully crafted still with a 15m column and 42 bubble plates.

And the rest as they say, is history

Jamie and I chat about

· 3 other craft distilling pioneers from the “Class of 2006” and the industry impact they still have today

· What vodka, Jamie, Will Chase and rap legend P Diddy have in common

· The importance of provenance and how rural and urban settings present this in their narratives

· The Distillery of London and how its story reflects the area’s unrivalled gin heritage

·  Gin education with BDES in the US and Brew School in the UK

· The phenomenon that is Pink Gin, and spirit definitions in the UK

· Jamie’s top 5 tips for success

So grab yourself a potato vodka or a gin with balanced citrus and enjoy today’s podcast with myself and The Artisan Distiller, Jamie Baxter

Be bold. Enjoy yourself. Let’s creative a new gin narrative.

Still Magic paperback, digital and audio copies available from your favourite online stores

Host: Marcel Thompson


Guest contributor: Jamie Baxter

Voiceovers: @antipodeanharpie

Editor: @alexiepigot, [email protected].


Still Magic

Hosted by award winning gin distiller and educator Marcel Thompson, the Still Magic podcast provides insights concerning gin making, gin producing, gin distilling, gin manufacturing, gin commercialising, gin tasting, gin drinking gin steeping and everything else in between.

Each podcast episode brings gin's centuries-long history to life in a contemporary setting, season by season. This includes assessing an array of different gins in efforts to determine what makes a great gin.

Local and international distillers share their insights as well. You'll receive a rare glimpse into the energy, passion, and desire that manifests itself as wonderful products people enjoy worldwide.

Collective experiences from episode guests will show that the following principles are as applicable to a gin making journey as any other new, exciting, or challenging endeavour

  •         Simplicity is best;
  •         Less is more;
  •         Inexperience is no barrier to success.

Be bold. Enjoy yourselves. Let's create the next gin narrative...