Leigh Bridges & Shaun Bridges - Flowstate Brewers and Distillers artwork
Still Magic

Leigh Bridges & Shaun Bridges - Flowstate Brewers and Distillers

  • S3E11
  • 44:48
  • November 3rd 2020

Episode 29 –Legacy

Today we visit the Surf Coast Shire region in the Australian state of Victoria.

And it is here that I speak with Leigh Bridges and his allegedly more handsome, albeit older looking younger brother Shaun, as co-founders of Flowstate Brewers and Distillers

Both gentlemen speak fondly of how their trade backgrounds – Leigh as an electrician, Shaun in landscaping and horticulture – have complemented their efforts to start a family business and produce a legacy that all can be proud of.

Leigh had spent several years on the US West Coast, taking a particular interest in Craft Beer. Upon his return to Australia, armed with a new-found passion for brewed beverages and a thirst for learning, Leigh seized the opportunity to join the Little Creatures Geelong crew at their new plant. 

An unofficial apprenticeship with a great brewery and a logical progression to distilled spirits, meant Leigh was in campaign mode: how do I convince Shaun to start a brewing and distilling business with me? You’ll get Shaun’s side of the story in the podcast.

A key plank in their narrative , driving their success to date, can be summarised in a single word; Partnerships

"Partnership" runs through their respective family lives, their business lives, and the collegiate links they have formed with like-minded distillers, brewers and restaurateurs in their local area.

Flowstate is also one of several distilling operations that will deliver tours as part of a broader tourism program for the region.

Leigh describes how Shaun’s passion for the coast, an unbridled interest in plants, and the formation of their partnership with Alchemy Distillers were key steps in making their flagship Flowstate Gin a commercial reality. 

Their seemingly unorthodox approach to new product development has been extremely effective, evidenced by the array of delicious products they have today. 

They have plans to release products for Christmas, and in early 2021 will commission a 300L hybrid still, emulating kit used to produce their flagship gin. Suffice to say, there are partnerships at the heart of these goals.

The notion of a flow state is one of full immersion, energy, focus and enjoyment. By the time you finish this podcast, I’m sure you’ll agree that this term sums up Leigh and Shaun Bridges superbly.

Sit back, relax and enjoy some great insights from 2 of Australia’s finest up and comers from Victoria

Be bold. Enjoy yourself. Let’s create a new gin narrative.

Still Magic paperback, digital and audio copies available from your favourite online stores

Additional Podcast Reference Links

Little Creatures Geelong

Great Ocean Road Gin

Black Sheep Facebook page

Host: Marcel Thompson    @stillmagicway [email protected]

Guest contributors: Leigh Bridges, Shaun Bridges

Voiceovers: @antipodeanharpie

Editor: @alexiepigot

Click to book Alexie here         

Alexie’s Website

Still Magic

Hosted by award winning gin distiller and educator Marcel Thompson, the Still Magic podcast provides insights concerning gin making, gin producing, gin distilling, gin manufacturing, gin commercialising, gin tasting, gin drinking gin steeping and everything else in between.

Each podcast episode brings gin's centuries-long history to life in a contemporary setting, season by season. This includes assessing an array of different gins in efforts to determine what makes a great gin.

Local and international distillers share their insights as well. You'll receive a rare glimpse into the energy, passion, and desire that manifests itself as wonderful products people enjoy worldwide.

Collective experiences from episode guests will show that the following principles are as applicable to a gin making journey as any other new, exciting, or challenging endeavour

  •         Simplicity is best;
  •         Less is more;
  •         Inexperience is no barrier to success.

Be bold. Enjoy yourselves. Let's create the next gin narrative...