What does it mean to do good in today’s society? A short story, Meringues, by Miki Lentin explores what happens when a newly arrived refugee from Iran accompanies his host to a charity Christmas Party, and shows the unintended consequences of what happens when people put their needs above those of helping others.
© Miki Lentin all rights reserved.
Miki Lentin has just finished a Creative Writing MA at Birkbeck University. He is a finalist in the Irish Writer’s Centre Novel Fair 2020, has appeared twice at MIR Live, writes book reviews for MIR Online, achieved 2nd prize in the Momaya Press Short Story Award 2019, and has been published by The Elixir Magazine online. He is a Trustee of The Reading Agency and volunteers @refugeecouncil and at refugee camps in Calais and Greece. Find him on Twitter @mikilentin
Photo by lauramusikanski at Morguefile.com
Story Radio Podcast
A monthly podcast dedicated to celebrating the literary short story and all things bookish. Bite-size short fiction for writers and readers everywhere. Listen to a short story or interview on the 1st of each month at 12:00am.
Hosted by Tabitha Potts and Martin Nathan open to established, new and emerging writers in the English language. Always free to submit.
We are a small organisation run by volunteer writers and producers (Tabitha Potts and Martin Nathan) hoping to benefit the writing community.
Our eventual aim is to be self-funding and to pay our writers and actors for each short story we produce.
Visit our Patreon if you would like to support our work and access exclusive content.
Send us your stories
Visit the Submissions page on our website
Or contact Tabitha Potts at [email protected]
About us
Tabitha Potts is a writer living in East London. She has had several short stories published in print and online and short-listed for various awards, most recently the Alpine Fellowship Writing Prize. In a previous life, she was a BBC Radio Drama producer.
Read more at http://www.tabithapotts.com.
Martin Nathan has worked as a labourer, showman, pancake chef, fire technician, and a railway engineer. His short fiction has been published by Tangent Press, HCE and Grist and his poetry has appeared in Finished Creatures, Erbacce and Aesthetica. His novel – A Place of Safety is published by Salt Publishing.
Website: http://www.martinnathan.co.uk
Support Us
Please do consider supporting us - we produce all our audio fiction as volunteers but would love to be able to pay our writers and actors.