Thought Leadership as a Buzzword: How to elevate your content strategy
- S1E5
- 31:26
- February 16th 2022
Freelancers may know him for his hilarious (and sometimes painfully accurate) Twitter account, but Brooklin Nash isn’t just a witty commentator on life as a writer; he’s also a seasoned content strategist with an impressive list of B2B SaaS clients.
Brooklin is an advocate for encouraging companies to step back to make sure they are offering something unique, rather than just publishing content pieces for demand generation. In his experience, B2B companies see the best results when they invest in creating deeper content, including thought leadership pieces.
Sneak peek:
"Good content takes the time to consider if it's unique and if it's adding to the conversation, or if it's just noise. It might take longer to get out the door, but it's going to have a larger impact down the road because content, at the end of the day, is not just about demand gen. It's about building your brand and having quality conversations. It's about looking at the bigger picture and making sure you're actually offering something unique." - Brooklin Nash
Key discussions covered in this episode include:
- Thought leadership as a buzzword and how content marketers can elevate their strategic thinking to improve the value of their content pieces
- Tips to engage teams to ensure more meaningful (and more fully embraced) content that will resonate with customers
- Repurposing content and how to make its shelf-life last longer
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About Brooklin: Boost your organic traffic, social engagement and conversions with winning B2B SaaS content marketing. Brooklin has 7+ years of content marketing experience. His clients include: Mixpanel, Intricately, TrustRadiusm MediaRadar, ServiceRocket, PostBeyond. As a guest contributor, he's written for G2, Drift and MarketingProfs. Want to build up your organic channels to drive revenue? Give Brooklin a call: 619.752.0949
About This Podcast: The Supercharge Marketing podcast is for B2B Marketers who believe in the power of brand and storytelling. Featuring no-B.S. conversations from marketing experts who dare to do things differently, this podcast will leave you feeling inspired and ready to amplify your marketing strategy to thrive and stand out in the rapidly evolving world of marketing.
About Lumen5: This podcast is brought to you by Lumen5, a video creator made by marketers, for marketers. Easily make videos for content marketing, thought leadership, and brand awareness in a snap. Used by thousands of businesses, supercharge your content strategy today. Try it for free or use code SUPERCHARGE10 for 10% off our annual plans forever!
To read the transcript for this episode, click here.
Supercharge Marketing
The Supercharge Marketing podcast is for B2B Marketers who believe in the power of brand and storytelling. Featuring no-B.S. conversations from marketing experts who dare to do things differently, this podcast will leave you feeling inspired and ready to amplify your marketing strategy to thrive and stand out in the rapidly evolving world of marketing.
This podcast is brought to you by Lumen5, a video creator made by marketers, for marketers. Easily make videos for content marketing, thought leadership, and brand awareness in a snap. Used by thousands of businesses, supercharge your content strategy today. Use code SUPERCHARGE for 20% off your first 3 months.