How To Create Videos Using Your Mobile Phone and Make Them Look Professional Without Investing In Expensive Gear artwork
The Super Media Show - Making You Famous with Videos and Funnels

How To Create Videos Using Your Mobile Phone and Make Them Look Professional Without Investing In Expensive Gear

  • S1E3
  • 11:08
  • June 9th 2020

My best reply is press the record button to start creating a video now.

Now after creating 300 videos last year and thousands of videos in my career, 

I’ve realised that my very first video sucked

But then i also realise that my next video got better than one before.

That’s when the aha moment came, it when you do it repeat you get better and therefore making it look professional

Naturally there are guidelines for how a professional looking video should look, but in order to get there , you should ALWAYS start first.

Ok so here’s a recording I've done recently on the 6 tips to start making a professional video on your mobile today.

The Super Media Show - Making You Famous with Videos and Funnels

Host Pete Lee from Super Media shares tips on Video Marketing, Business Strategies and Inspirational stories that will help to #MakeYouFamous with your media.

Because... who doesn't want to be famous?
