Humza Folds, Contenders Ready?, Big Footing and Biden Roasts Trump / with Catriona Stewart artwork
Talk Media

Humza Folds, Contenders Ready?, Big Footing and Biden Roasts Trump / with Catriona Stewart

  • S7E219
  • 06:03
  • May 1st 2024

An action packed episode taking a look at the SNP/Scottish Government developments and the SNP leadership reporting.

At the end of the show a listener question from Ian Currie.



Fragile Animals - book - Genevieve Jagger

When an ex-catholic woman develops a sexual relationship with a vampire, she is forced to confront the memories that haunt her religious past.

Struggling to deal with the familial trauma of her Catholic upbringing, hotel cleaner, Noelle, travels to the Isle of Bute. There, she meets a man who claims to be a vampire, and a relationship blooms between them based solely on confession. But as talk turns sacrilegious, and the weather outside grows colder, Noelle struggles to come to terms with her blasphemous sexuality. She becomes hounded by memories of her past: her mother’s affair with the local priest, and the part she played in ending it.


Night Train to Odesa - book - Jen Stout

When Russian tanks rolled into Ukraine, millions of lives changed in an instant. Millions of people were suddenly on the move. In this great flow of people was a reporter from Shetland. Jen Stout left Moscow abruptly, ending up on a border post in southeast Romania, from where she began to cover the human cost of Russian aggression. Her firsthand, vivid reporting as she travelled alone, hauling around body armour, brought the war to audiences back home, as she reported from front lines and cities across Ukraine. Stories from the night trains, birthday parties, military hospitals and bunkers: stories from the ground, from a writer with a deep sense of empathy, always seeking to understand the bigger picture, the big questions of identity, history, hopes and fears in this war in Europe.



In 1896, a construction engineer from the British Army, J.H. Patterson (Kilmer) is sent to build a railway bridge across Uganda's Tsavo River for the British East African Railway. Soon after he arrives, workmen begin to disappear at night from their tents never to be seen alive again.

Talk Media

Broadcaster Stuart Cosgrove and Professor Eamonn O’Neill host Talk Media: a forensic analysis of how the media works, and who works the media. Packed full of candid commentary and informed opinion, Talk Media features a weekly guest commentator from the worlds of journalism, entertainment and politics.

Professor Eamonn O'Neill avatar
Professor Eamonn O'Neill

A working journalist and writer -previously a senior writer for Vanity Fair and Esquire. Associate Professor of Journalism at Edinburgh Napier University and a 2020 JFK/Hemingway Grant Recipient.

Stuart Cosgrove avatar
Stuart Cosgrove

Former Head of Nations and Regions for Channel 4 and the prize-winning author of the Soul Trilogy (soul music and social change in Memphis, Detroit and Harlem).

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