In August 2020 the TDG's packed up their suncream, umbrellas, bikinis and windcheaters and headed home to Derry. It was during those heady days when it looked like the world was getting back to normal. Derry was buzzing and Pauline, Jeanie and Marie Louise took to the streets - armed with masks and microphones on some very long socially distanced poles they accosted locals and visitors alike. Some chats were planned - others not so much… First stop on the itinerary was the iconic Derry Girls mural to meet the artist responsible: Karl Porter from UV arts. At least that was the plan - Derry however had other ideas.
The Bishop’s Gate Hotel - https://www.bishopsgatehotelderry.com/
The Walls (yes, they have twitter account) - https://twitter.com/thederrywalls?lang=en
Famine trail Derry - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBBmMKnX8Bk
Visit Derry - https://www.visitderry.com/Visitor-Info/Visitor-Information-Centre
Creators of the The Derry Girls Mural UV Arts - https://www.facebook.com/uvartscic/
Martin McCrossan walking tours of Derry - http://derrycitytours.com
Vinnie Cunningham - https://twitter.com/vinnycunningham?lang=en
Seamus Heaney - http://www.seamusheaneyhome.com
John Hume - https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/peace/1998/hume/facts/
Sr Clare from the Brandywell - https://www.sisterclare.com/en/her-life/biography
Opening of the new visitor centre in Derry/Londonderry - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWE-FCd5cNg
Richard Moore - Children in Crossfire and his mural - https://www.childrenincrossfire.org/mural/
Antony Gormley (his Granda was from Derry) - https://publicart.ie/main/directory/directory/view/sculpture-for-derry-walls/3c736946413f2ecd4b72c5031422e010/
The Undertones - http://theundertones.com/_/Home.html
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Talking Derry Girls
Fancy a bit of craic?! Jeanie, Marie-Louise and Pauline love the Channel 4 sit-com, Derry Girls, based in their home city. We thought it would be fun to rewatch the series, and chat about each episode in detail. You don’t have to be from Derry or even a girl. Being a Derry Girl is a state of mind. Come on in!