How to glue your students to your lips  when teaching digitally?    Interview with Dave Bui, CEO of artwork
TEACH! - Der Podcast für Lehrer

How to glue your students to your lips when teaching digitally? Interview with Dave Bui, CEO of

  • E46
  • 36:08
  • September 20th 2021

After 8 years working in Australia and the UK as a software engineer / web developer, He came to Vietnam and co-founded ViCare in late 2015.

In less than two years, it has grown to become the most popular online destination when searching for medical clinics and connecting to doctors in Vietnam, giving 90 million Vietnamese easy, unprecedented access to medical information and services.


In 2018, ViCare was acquired by a major local healthcare investor.


Dave is currently in pursuit of the next tech venture. This time, global is the keyword:


AhaSlides is an audience engagement platform, offering a whole new way to interact with the audience via real-time voting, Q&A, idea boards, word clouds, quiz and a lot more. Been enabling public speakers, event hosts, educators, and teams around the world to deliver rockstar performances on stage since 2019.

This episode covers the big topic: "How to make your students enjoy digital education?"

Dave and I discuss questions like:

  • We live in the age of attention scarcity. How could teachers compete with so many other distractions to win their students' full attention?
  • Can technology replace old-fashioned face-to-face communication? How can a teacher inspire her class, in 2021?
  • why did Dave create aha slides? 
  • What can it do for teachers both in online and offline classes? 
  • How does AhaSlides work? 
  • What are some good examples on how to use the software?
  • What is the difference to powerpoint, keynote, prezi etc. 
  • What are the plans for the future with AHA slides?

FInd out more about AhaSlides at

TEACH! - Der Podcast für Lehrer

Der Podcast über das psychologische Handwerkszeug zum Unterrichten, welches an den Universitäten und im Referendariat zu kurz kommt.

Methoden & Strategien aus Schauspiel, NLP und Coaching - zugeschnitten auf den Lehrberuf.

Den inhaltlichen Rahmen dazu bietet das Buch "TEACH! Vom didaktischen Konzept zum konkreten Verhalten vor der Klasse"

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Es erwarten dich:

  • Spannende Interviews mit inspirierenden Persönlichkeiten: Lehrern, Professoren, Schauspielern...
  • Umsetzbare Strategien für deinen Alltag
  • lehrreiche Geschichten und humorvolle Fehler
  • uvm.

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