Black Lives Matter Special - Cancelling Cultures with Ian Forrester
- S7E3
- 41:07
- July 22nd 2020
Welcome to a special edition of the Tech For Good Live podcast, in support of the Black Lives Matter movement.
In the first of three episodes guest hosted by Ian Forrester (BBC R&D, Cubicgarden), he's joined by:
David Eastman (Software Developer)
Erinma Ochu (Curator, @sheffdocfest)
Ethar Alali (MD, Axelisys),
Naomi Mwasambili (Founder, Chanua)
To find out more about Black Lives Matter, to support the movement or to download helpful resources, visit www.blacklivesmatter.com.
You can find the full transcript for this episode here.
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Tech for Good Live
From rampant AI's and gamification to social fundraising and new ways of donating. Join us on a meandering ramble through the ever changing landscape of tech that makes the world a better place.