Hello and welcome back to another episode of the Tech for Good Live podcast. If you’re new here, it’s a podcast all about using technology to have a positive impact on the world.
Uncanny valley resus-puppet Mark Zuckerberg stood up in congress, turned to face the parents of children that Meta has allowed to come to harm, and apologised to them. It was a rare opportunity to see the humanity in Zuck’s programming. Normal service has now returned and Meta is back to harming your children.
Taylor Swift continues to be a successful, powerful woman, so of course X (Twitter…) was flooded with AI porn featuring her likeness because oh my god the worst people on earth own and live on that platform.
And in some positive news, we’ll be talking about the social media star helping people fall in love with libraries.
This week’s topics:
Good story of the week:
Mark Zuckerberg apologies to parents for what Facebook/Meta did to their children:
Meta boss Mark Zuckerberg apologises to families in fiery US Senate hearing - BBC News
But does this change anything?:
5 key takeaways from Meta, TikTok, X, Snap’s Congressional hearing on kids’ online safety - The Drum
Bad news story of the week:
More from the hellmouth also known as X. Taylor Swift continues to be attacked purely for being a successful woman. This time with AI porn images shared on the platform:
X is blocking Taylor Swift searches... barely - The Verge
Taylor Swift deepfakes spark calls in Congress for new legislation - BBC News
But the culprit is doxxed after bragging he would never be caught:
Taylor Swift Fans Track Down ‘Culprit’ Who Shared ‘Explicit Pictures’ - Womansera
And finally
The social media star helping people fall in love with libraries - Positive.News
Listeners, what did you think? We’d love to hear your thoughts.
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Tech for Good Live
From rampant AI's and gamification to social fundraising and new ways of donating. Join us on a meandering ramble through the ever changing landscape of tech that makes the world a better place.