The team break free from our Manchester studio and head down south to the glorious Bath Digital Festival to record two special live episodes.
First up, we’re talking Digital Healthcare.
Digital and technology provides so many opportunities to improve systems, process and experiences for good. Is this really the case for the health sector? What are the opportunities for the health sector? Can current innovation do more harm than good? Can we build for prevention rather than reacting? How can digital solutions reach and benefit those who are digitally illiterate or less aware of their health?
All these questions and more are discussed by the panel.
Joining host Rebecca Rae-Evans are:
Andy Morley - New Level Health
Andy is a pretty impressive tech specialist and local advocate for using digital for health as a preventative measure rather than reactive. He’s been working with a lot of local organisations to try and encourage more collaborative working.
Paul Targett – RIVIAM Digital Care
RIVIAM builds platforms for health and social care providers so, can provide a great example of using technology for health. In this area RIVIAM supports child immunisations managing digital consents from parents and is supporting Virgin Care Adult services. Also provide digital referral and consent services for mental health and child physical health services.
Margaret Davidson - Mayden Academy
Margaret heads up business development and marketing for Mayden Academy, helping to create a pipeline of diverse talent into tech. Mayden Academy teaches people how to code, preparing them for new careers as software developers in just 16 weeks. We are one of the top coding training providers in the UK, with a 100% graduation rate, 100% post-course employment rate, and five star ratings on graduate review sites.
Dr. Shanil Mantri
Shan is an experienced GP, former Chief Clinical Information Officer for a Clinical Commissioning Group and has an entrepreneurial interest in health technology.
Thanks to One Sub for bringing us to this event and to Bath Digital Festival for having us.
Listeners, what did you think? We’d love to hear your thoughts. Get in touch on twitter @techforgoodlive or Email at [email protected]
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Tech for Good Live
From rampant AI's and gamification to social fundraising and new ways of donating. Join us on a meandering ramble through the ever changing landscape of tech that makes the world a better place.