Live from UX Copenhagen - Episode 3 - Problematic as F*ck - with Mike Monteiro
- 45:53
- March 2nd 2018
The third and final podcast in our special edition series of Tech for Good Live podcasts, recorded from UX Copenhagen. (@uxcopenhagen)
It’s a two day conference on ethical design and we’re here, bringing you three podcasts looking across a range of topics: Accessibility, dark patterns and design ethics.
In this podcast, we talk about design ethics.
With tech for good live regulars:
Ben White - Head of Delivery at pro-social digital agency, Reason Digital (@benwhiteba/ @reasondigital)
Rebecca Rae-Evans - Looking after digital ethics at The Federation (@rebeccawho/ @federationmcr)
Jonny Rae-Evans - Head of Product Innovation at the Big Lottery Fund (@jonnyraeevans)
And special Guest:
Mike Monteiro is the co-founder and design director of Mule Design, a San Francisco based design agency. Besides sharing his knowledge at conferences all over the world, he has written 2 popular books, “Design is a job” and “You’re My Favorite Client”.
Where to find Mike: https://muledesign.com/speaking/mike-monteiro
Tech for Good Live
From rampant AI's and gamification to social fundraising and new ways of donating. Join us on a meandering ramble through the ever changing landscape of tech that makes the world a better place.