TFGL at The Federation Episode 5 - Toxic Tech with Sara Wachter-Boettcher artwork
Tech for Good Live

TFGL at The Federation Episode 5 - Toxic Tech with Sara Wachter-Boettcher

  • 41:15
  • September 21st 2018

This is the fifth in a special series in partnership with The Federation, exploring ethics in tech.

In this episode, we talk about 'Toxic Tech' with Sara Wachter-Boettcher.

She talks to us about the concepts in her book Technically Wrong, Sexist apps, biased algorithms and other threats of toxic tech.

Buying groceries, tracking our health, finding a date: whatever we want to do odds are we can do online but how often do we question the design of these products and experiences? Many of the services we rely on are full of oversights, biases, and downright ethical nightmares. Chatbots that harass women, sign up forms that fail anyone who’s not straight. Social media sites that send peppy messages about dead relatives. Algorithms that put more black people behind bars.

The algorithms Facebook and other tech companies use to boost engagement – and increase profits – have led to spectacular failures of sensitivity and worse. How can we fight back?

Sara is a Philadelphia-based web consultant and the author of two additional books for web professionals: Design for Real Life, with Eric Meyer and Content Everywhere. She helps organisations make sense of their digital content and is a recognised worldwide conference speaker.


Further reading:

Technically Wrong, Sexist apps, biased algorithms and other threats of toxic tech.



Hosted by Rebecca Rae-Evans (@rebeccawho), featuring pod regular Jonny Rae-Evans (@jonnyraeevans)


Produced by @paul_yakabovski


Get in touch:Twitter: @techforgoodliveInstagram: techforgoodliveEmail: [email protected]

Tech for Good Live

From rampant AI's and gamification to social fundraising and new ways of donating. Join us on a meandering ramble through the ever changing landscape of tech that makes the world a better place.