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Tech for Good Live


  • S6E1
  • 54:52
  • April 27th 2020

Welcome back to the Tech for Good Live podcast! Once again, we’re recording this episode remotely, because the world is on fire. It’s important to stay at home. Stay safe. And be surrounded by cats, dogs and an unhealthy amount of snacks. 

In this week’s episode we’re talking about COVID-19 misinformation. We’re talking about the role of the individual too; if Captain Tom keeps walking in his background any longer, we’ll finally be able to afford universal basic income!

AND we’re talking about the NHS, data and [checks notes] ... “Clowns without borders". Cool.

Journeying through the apocalypse with host Bex, we have Greg Ashton and Fay Schofield.

And we have a special guest!

Nik Seth - founder of Holm Care an organisation helping people to find care in their home, more easily by allowing them to connect directly with the care workers.

This week’s topics:

Stat of the week: 

Corona misinformation from Department of Health and Social Care

Some people have been spreading misinformation:

How the 5G coronavirus conspiracy theory tore through the internet 

Charity news of the week

Captain Tom raised £20 million this week but he’s not the only one who’s been fundraising 

Tech news of the week

NHS and the challenge of data:

Previously planned this survey aims to understand people’s perceptions of data sharing in health and social care:

Government investigates perceptions about data sharing of health and social care 

Particularly important because existing datasets were not good enough to identify at risk people: 

Covid-19: NHS datasets ‘not sophisticated enough’ to flag high risk patients 

What risks were/are there in the work still ongoing with tech organisations and creating new data platforms:

NHS partners with tech giants to develop Covid-19 data platform

And does some data need to be more accessible:

Hackers Leak Thousands of Coronavirus Research Papers  

Challenge of the week:

Efforts are being explored to make tracking the spread of the outbreak easier. 

What does this mean for our privacy? And what happens after things return to normal?

Mobile data tracking:

Some Countries Are Taking Social Distancing More Seriously Than Others 

BBC Video: Mobile data helps Norway track cases

Google and Apple plans for notifications when coming into contact with someone infected:

David Pogue Tweet

The Guardian: NHS in ststatusandoff with Apple and Google over coronavirus tracing 

The Guardian: But what happens afterwards

And finally… 

Clowns without borders wins inaugural Kindness Awards


Listeners, what did you think? We’d love to hear your thoughts. Get in touch on twitter @techforgoodlive or Email at [email protected] 

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Thanks to the wonderful for hosting us in a beautiful mirrored studio. Which you can’t see. But it is pretty. If you want to create a podcast, you can find everything you need on their website.

We’d also like to thank Happy Porch for their sponsorship which will allow us to have our episodes transcribed, helping us be more inclusive and accessible. Happy Porch provide strategy, technology and development for purpose driven organisations. You can find out more about them at

Tech for Good Live

From rampant AI's and gamification to social fundraising and new ways of donating. Join us on a meandering ramble through the ever changing landscape of tech that makes the world a better place.