For the last four years we’ve been talking about how tech can be used to make the world a better place.
How’s that working out? Ah.
Never ones to let failure get us down, we have an epic show lined up.
We’re talking about the radical global shift to working from home and its effect on work-life balance. We’re talking about the National Trust and them facing a backlash for… telling the truth about history…
And we're talking about how Elon Musk is the last person on earth you should let mess with your brain. Or use the internet. Or name a child. Or… anything really.
Host Rebecca Rae-Evans is joined by TFGL regular Greg Ashton and our special guest this week is Chi-chi Ekweozor, Organiser of a female tech founder meetup and founder of Assenty, an interactive question board platform that helps event organisers make a personal connection with their audiences before, during and after an event.
This week’s topics
Stat of the week:
51% of tech employees say working from home has improved their work-life balance - We Are Tech Women
Charity news of the week:
National trust and a difficult history - The Independent
And their divisive restructure - Museum Association
Tech news of the week:
Tech brain implants, future nightmare or future freedoms - The Verge
Listeners, what did you think? We’d love to hear your thoughts. Get in touch on twitter @techforgoodlive or Email at [email protected]
We’d love it if you gave us a nice iTunes review and told your pals about this podcast!
Thanks to podcast.co for hosting our podcast. Which you can’t see. If you’d like to be thanked on the podcast for giving us some cash, contact us on [email protected]. I promise we’ll spend it on transcription and not on kittens.
Tech for Good Live
From rampant AI's and gamification to social fundraising and new ways of donating. Join us on a meandering ramble through the ever changing landscape of tech that makes the world a better place.