Technically PVP Show Notes
Episode 214 - To Lead or Follow
7:32 - Need-Greed-Pass
17:46 - Upcoming WoW PVP Events
- TWW AWC/MDI plan - https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24135749/awc-and-mdi-plans-revealed-for-the-war-within
- AWC Cup 3 - 11-13 Oct
- AWC Cup 4 - 18-20 Oct
- AWC Gauntlet and Grand Finals - 15-17 Nov
- MDI time trials - 16-21 Oct (Registration ends 14 Oct)
- Group A - 1-3 Nov
- Group B - 8-10 Nov
- Group China - unknown
- MDI Global finals - 22-24 Nov
- Oasis BG Blitz Roundtable tomorrow - 10 Oct at 7 pm EDT - https://discord.gg/FU66Yz6V?event=1291625986932084756
- Technically PVP Fall Shuffle - 23 Nov - https://matcherino.com/tournaments/132632
26:05 - Subject of Analysis
1:22:52 - WOW PVP NEWS
- AWC Cup 1 - 29 Sep - Congrats to the cup winners: EU Echo; NA Power Toads
- Comments? Upsets? One cross kill
- AWC Cup 2 - 6 Oct - Congrats to the cup winners: EU Echo; NA Welcome to the Jung
- Hotfixes - https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24134803/hotfixes-october-3-2024
- Class Tuning (PVE and PVP)
- EOTS BGB tower change (20s base spawn timers now; was 15)
- SOD AB/WSG - more possible marks for losing team
- Wowarenalogs has an AWC edition?! - https://www.reddit.com/r/worldofpvp/comments/1fz46hx/wow_arena_logs_awc_edition/
- PVP Weapon Quest change - https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/pvp-weapons-of-conquest-update/1963388
- Rudar made a PvP clips YT channel - https://x.com/Rudar__/status/1831836940263657611
- Egyptian mage Hamoudy has passed away - https://x.com/Stungodx/status/1842523954071945376
- Void.gg wants to support community events! - https://twitter.com/Voidggapi/status/1843750325876138457
- MMR Conversations - lots of confusion around the MMR players are earning in various ladders. RSS vs Blitz vs non-solo ladders.
- Rated PVP Category is bugging - https://x.com/leekatv/status/1844123463755387016
Finding Us
Podcast Cohosts
Technically - https://twitter.com/Technically_PvP
Bigmoran - https://twitter.com/BigmoranIRL
TreesapJake - https://twitter.com/TreesapJake
Skill-Capped Affiliate Link- https://www.skill-capped.com/wow/pricing/plans#technicallypvp
Technically PvP
Technically PVP is a podcast about player versus player content in the game World of Warcraft. We delve into various aspects of PvP, analyzing them to learn how to be better at PvP. Gerissar, is a PvP Novice and host of the show. He is joined by TreesapJake, a 2k+ player/stream/YT personality, and Bigmoran, a highly accomplished PVP'r with multiple achievements. They usually have guests from the community to discuss various topics so, you, the listener can possibly learn something new.
Come listen to their discussion, and laugh along as they analyze this game we enjoy!