Episode 45 - Mist Weavers artwork
Technically PvP

Episode 45 - Mist Weavers

  • E45
  • 3:02:36
  • February 10th 2018

Technically PVP Show notes


Episode 45 - Mist Weavers


Upcoming WoW PVP Events



  • Dev Q&A
    • Soloqueue 1 2 3 6 8 10 11
    • 6v6 RBGs
    • Comment on spectator ui “/invitespectatormatch” which has been baked into wow since 7.2.5
    • Prestige will change to add a standard reward when you level ranks (like in OW), not mounts/tabards/etc.
    • Honour talents to move away from tree. Be like a bucket you can choose from.  Keeping trinket option.
    • Wpvp was explained (normal/rp servers), flag pvp will put you with other pvp people.  Sharding to fix balancing of factions.  Only RP servers will continue to not shard.
    • Uncharted island rewarding still being worked on.
    • Allied races (not all) are now accessible to pre-order only.  Nightborne, Highmountain Tauren, Lightforged Draenei and Void Elf only.
  • EU Cup #1 - 38 teams signed up- congrats to XRB to the moon! (Blizo, Zeepeye, Wallirik, and Baal) http://liquipedia.net/worldofwarcraft/Arena_Cup/2018/EU/1
  • CSTV tournament - congrats to DSG! (Ceral, Prevy, Brian, and Swacked)
  • Class tuning happened today (PVE only, PVP counter tuned for balance)- https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/20761746576#1



Warcraft PVP Scene

NA Bracket


EU PVP Brackets:



Trivia question

Previous episode question was:  Demon hunters were first introduced to the Warcraft Universe in which Blizzard game?

Warcraft 3

Send your answer to [email protected].  First correct answer will earn a shout out on the next show



5 Star review by Daisemiin - “Nicest guys trying to kill me I’ve ever met” - I like this show and it has rekindled my old PvP memories and started me queuing up again.  The hosts never fail to help me when I have a question no matter how flightly, and I enjoy their time on my commute and work days.  Good people, not jerks at all.

5 star review by Faerondil (fair-unh-dil)- “Much needed PvP” - A great podcast in a much needed space.  Love the cast and the guests.  Keep it up!


Finding Us

Stoopzz - https://www.twitch.tv/stoopzz_tv




Technically - https://www.twitch.tv/technically_pvp



[email protected]


Andallyn - https://twitter.com/Andallyn1244


Windstead - https://twitter.com/windstead84

Technically PvP

Technically PVP is a podcast about player versus player content in the game World of Warcraft. We delve into various aspects of PvP, analyzing them to learn how to be better at PvP. Gerissar, is a PvP Novice and host of the show. He is joined by TreesapJake, a 2k+ player/stream/YT personality, and Bigmoran, a highly accomplished PVP'r with multiple achievements. They usually have guests from the community to discuss various topics so, you, the listener can possibly learn something new.

Come listen to their discussion, and laugh along as they analyze this game we enjoy!

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