Episode 93 - Alterac Valley artwork
Technically PvP

Episode 93 - Alterac Valley

  • E93
  • 1:34:13
  • December 12th 2019

Technically PVP Show Notes


Episode 93 - Alterac Valley


20:53 - Upcoming WoW PVP Events


35:40 - Subject of Analysis

Today we will discuss, Alterac Valley.




1:26:6 - WOW PVP NEWS


Technically Challenged 

In this segment, we challenge you the listener to do something different in game.  Each episode we will give a new challenge. After you have completed the challenge, write in to [email protected] with your experience.

Last week’s challenge was: ***troll alert*** - queue into a regular BG, and do nothing.  See how long it takes for you to get reported

People said:

  • Doobers - Guys, we gotta work on these challenges.. I can’t que a bg and not Earth Shock one shot people, the Elements won’t allow it! #techpodchallenge 😂

This week’s challenge is:. 

  • Play an alt with only benthic gear.  Preferably with a Heart of Azeroth < lvl 40.





  • To all the poor people teamed up with Windstead!


Finding Us

Podcast Cohosts

Technically - https://twitter.com/Technically_PvP https://www.twitch.tv/technically_pvp



[email protected]


Andallyn - https://twitter.com/Andallyn1244


Windstead - https://twitter.com/windstead84




Technically PvP

Technically PVP is a podcast about player versus player content in the game World of Warcraft. We delve into various aspects of PvP, analyzing them to learn how to be better at PvP. Gerissar, is a PvP Novice and host of the show. He is joined by TreesapJake, a 2k+ player/stream/YT personality, and Bigmoran, a highly accomplished PVP'r with multiple achievements. They usually have guests from the community to discuss various topics so, you, the listener can possibly learn something new.

Come listen to their discussion, and laugh along as they analyze this game we enjoy!

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