Kamal Prakash Seth: Recession-proofing and Sustainably Growing your Business
- S1E4
- 32:58
- April 7th 2020
Are you an entrepreneur idle after a lifetime in the wake of a lockdown?
Are you concerned about being unproductive in the midst of a crisis and the future of your business post-COVID19?
It is true that the coronavirus pandemic has turned both our individual lives as well as the balance of the world upside down.
But instead of brooding over the what-may-have-been, you could make use of this time to efficiently plan the future of your business.
Taking the current situation into consideration, what we are in dire need right now is a sustainable policy for doing business.
But why? How?
Who better to answer all your questions than Kamal Prakash Seth, the country head of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), India.
Kamal is also the founder of Human Circle, an organization that inspires individuals to be their best selves, and a TEDx speaker.
Tune in to learn a lot more about creating a sustainable business model with Kamal Prakash Seth.
Download the Actionable Checklist from this episode & start taking action right away: https://thegrowthlaunchpad.com/4-recession-proof-and-sustainable-business-models-with-kamal-seth/
TGL Podcast - The Growth Launchpad
Listen to the personal experience heart-to-heart from successful entrepreneurs around the world on how to grow your business and maximize your impact.