Get Comfortable With Discomfort: Pushing Beyond Your Limits As An Agency Owner artwork
The Agency Accelerator

Get Comfortable With Discomfort: Pushing Beyond Your Limits As An Agency Owner

  • S4E179
  • 14:50
  • August 3rd 2023

In this week’s episode, we are digging into expanding your comfort zone and getting comfortable with discomfort for personal and professional growth. I discuss the four stages of learning and share strategies to expand your comfort zone. 

Ultimately, the goal is to continually push beyond your limits and achieve sustainable growth in a manageable and incremental way.

Beyond your comfort zone lies excitement and development!

Time Stamp

[00:00] Introduction: Getting comfortable with discomfort

[01:18] Why do we stick to what we know, instead of leaving our comfort zone?

[02;50] My story of sticking in my comfort zone

[03:36] The benefits of stepping into discomfort

[04:00] The 4 levels of learning and comfort, learning and fear zones

[08:15] The way to expand your comfort zone

[10:18] Reframe discomfort as growth, focus on developing yourself (rather than focusing on results), celebrate wins and get support

[13:43] Learn more in my fortnightly value-packed live Agency Accelerator LIVE Workshops 


“While it's comfortable to stay in your comfort zone, it's not a place where you are going to grow as a person and as a business owner." - Rob Da Costa

“Turn off that internal self-talk that will discourage you from doing anything slightly scary and just get on and do it!” - Rob Da Costa

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Useful links mentioned in this episode:

The Agency Accelerator

Busy agency owners can have a hard time balancing delivering exceptional work with finding ideal new clients - all the while, ensuring the smooth running of their agency.

Every Thursday, join Rob Da Costa, agency owner and coach, as he explores the key topics that affect you and your agency. I share tools and ideas to aid your profitable growth as well as interview industry expert guests, who share their experiences of working in or with agencies just like yours.

Whether you are just starting out or running an established growing agency, whether you run an online or bricks & mortar agency, this is the podcast for you.

To learn more about Rob, his coaching and training, visit the website