How To Stop Juggling So Many Tasks And Become Laser-Focused artwork
The Agency Accelerator

How To Stop Juggling So Many Tasks And Become Laser-Focused

  • S3E145
  • 12:54
  • November 24th 2022

We can all be ‘busy fools’ by not planning effectively and instead reacting to whatever is presented to us or ‘he who shouts loudest’! So today I am going to help you juggle fewer balls and become laser-focused.

Time Stamp

[01:38] How to break your year plan into daily calendar entries

[02:45] When planning your day put times by each task rather than just work through your list from A-Z

[03:37] Prioritise your day by doing the hardest things first (not last!)

[04:30] Plan your day in 30-minute chunks and don't underestimate how long tasks will take!

[05:19] Overestimate how long tasks will take (to cope with the unknowns that will invariably happen)

[06:20] Block out time in your diary that is uninterruptible

[08:30] Physically cross out tasks as you complete them

[08:55] Your daily goal should be to cross off all tasks

[09:40] Aim to start and end your day in the same way every day - your morning and evening rituals

[10:50] Set your big goals for the week (by looking at your monthly plan)


“When planning your day, always strive to do the hardest things first” - name

Your daily goal should be to cross off all tasks rather than carry any over.” - name

“We overestimate what we can do in the short term and underestimate what we can do in the long term” - Bill Gates

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The Agency Accelerator

Busy agency owners can have a hard time balancing delivering exceptional work with finding ideal new clients - all the while, ensuring the smooth running of their agency.

Every Thursday, join Rob Da Costa, agency owner and coach, as he explores the key topics that affect you and your agency. I share tools and ideas to aid your profitable growth as well as interview industry expert guests, who share their experiences of working in or with agencies just like yours.

Whether you are just starting out or running an established growing agency, whether you run an online or bricks & mortar agency, this is the podcast for you.

To learn more about Rob, his coaching and training, visit the website