Welcome to today’s episode of The Agency Accelerator Podcast.
I was really excited to have a chance to sit down and talk with Jim James from EastWest PR and learn all about how he runs an agency that is based in the UK yet serves clients in Asia we discuss how to set up the systems and processes how to recruit and manage staff when they are dispersed around the world.
Now I always tell my clients that it is very difficult to build an agency using freelance staff because it’s like building a business on quicksand however Jim shares a very different perspective to this and outlines exactly what he has done to build his agency using freelance and contract staff.
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2.10 Why did you move around from the UK to Singapore and China?
3.25 In the current environment we can work remotely but if you are working internationally how do you build relationships and overcome cultural differences?
5.05 How do you build relationships with journalists when you are based in a different country?
8.50 The fundamental difference between Western media and Asian media
9.52 What does virtualisation of agencies and moving to the ‘UBER model’ mean?
14.09. The importance of building a platform to work with remote team members
14.54 The importance of the relationship between the owner and the external consultant and how you work out the financial splits
17.05. The advantages of adopting the UBER model in an agency
17.25 The flip side of how I advise my agency clients ‘that it’s difficult to build an agency with freelancers’
18.10 How do you find enough good freelancers that can deliver to the quality levels you and your client’s expect?
20.51 The importance of finding consultants with credibility and experience
22.19 The importance of having processes that are constantly and consistently used
24.00. Matching consultant’s contracts to client’s contracts
24.46 Jim believes it’s easier to find freelancers than it is to find high quality in-house staff
25.36 If you could go back in time and give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be? This answer is one I haven’t had before!!
26.43 Where can people find out more about you?
Useful links:
You can contact Jim by visiting his website: www.eastwestpr.com
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The Agency Accelerator
Busy agency owners can have a hard time balancing delivering exceptional work with finding ideal new clients - all the while, ensuring the smooth running of their agency.
Every Thursday, join Rob Da Costa, agency owner and coach, as he explores the key topics that affect you and your agency. I share tools and ideas to aid your profitable growth as well as interview industry expert guests, who share their experiences of working in or with agencies just like yours.
Whether you are just starting out or running an established growing agency, whether you run an online or bricks & mortar agency, this is the podcast for you.
To learn more about Rob, his coaching and training, visit the website