What Agency Model is Right for You with Jessica Lackey artwork
The Agency Accelerator

What Agency Model is Right for You with Jessica Lackey

  • S4E194
  • 31:15
  • November 16th 2023

In this episode of The Agency Accelerator, host Rob Da Costa dives into the crucial question - What Agency Model is Right for you? 

Joined by business and operations strategist, Jessica Lackey, they discuss the importance of reassessing one's role as a business owner and aligning personal and business visions. Jessica shares valuable insights on designing one's role, letting go of control, and shifting focus to higher-value tasks. 

We explore different agency personas/options and provide actionable steps for agency owners to determine their desired model and mindset for growth and delegation. 

Time Stamp

[02:51] Recognise when your ambitions don't align with your desires.

[03:40] 4 types of persona you can be when running your agency

[05:40] How do you decide what role/persona you want to take in your agency?

[09:15] At what stage should you start considering these questions?

[10:40] Once I have decided on my persona, how do I start changing the agency to step into that new role?

[12:08] How important is mindset in all this?

[18:38] Taking steps to change your role

[21:12] What to do if you feel stuck in your current role

[25:34] How do agency owners continue to evolve their role?

[27:57] Align your personal vision with your business vision. Start with your ‘why’.

[28:50] If you could go back in time and give your younger self, a piece of advice, what would you say?


"Every year you should step away, evaluate what you want for your life and business, and see how your role can evolve."— Jessica Lackey

“50% of the success of your agency is getting the right mindset.” - Rob Da Costa

"Your business trajectory should align with your personal goals. Saying 'not this year' doesn't mean 'never', just a decision for now that is based on everything going on in life." — Jessica Lackey

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The Agency Accelerator

Busy agency owners can have a hard time balancing delivering exceptional work with finding ideal new clients - all the while, ensuring the smooth running of their agency.

Every Thursday, join Rob Da Costa, agency owner and coach, as he explores the key topics that affect you and your agency. I share tools and ideas to aid your profitable growth as well as interview industry expert guests, who share their experiences of working in or with agencies just like yours.

Whether you are just starting out or running an established growing agency, whether you run an online or bricks & mortar agency, this is the podcast for you.

To learn more about Rob, his coaching and training, visit the website