An Insight Into Content Marketing - Sarah Moore - S02-E06 artwork
Trailblazer FM ™ - Web agency podcast with Lee Matthew Jackson

An Insight Into Content Marketing - Sarah Moore - S02-E06

  • S2E6
  • 53:37
  • February 29th 2016

As design and web agencies, we are so often so busy on producing for others, that we neglect our own ongoing marketing. This can lead to a feast and famine culture within an agency. It's really important that we develop ongoing strategies for lead generation, and keeping that pipeline looking healthy.

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Show Notes:

In this episode we explore, with Sarah Moore, content marketing as one of the main activities an agency can invest their time, money and effort in to generate results. Find out the answers to questions such as:

_ What is one of your strategies that you use as a social media consultant _ Why is content marketing so important _ What does content marketing actually involve _ How much content should you produce _ Could you give us some examples of how you can re-purpose content 

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Trailblazer FM ™ - Web agency podcast with Lee Matthew Jackson

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