#T14 Halloween 2016 - WordPress Editor artwork
Trailblazer FM ™ - Web agency podcast with Lee Matthew Jackson

#T14 Halloween 2016 - WordPress Editor

  • 10:47
  • October 14th 2016

Out of the box WordPress uses TinyMCE as it's content editor. It is GREAT because it gives your clients a "Word Document" style experience that they are likely used to. Here is how to enhance it to add value to your clients experience.

TinyMCE Advanced - https://wordpress.org/plugins/tinymce-advanced/

WP Edit - https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-edit/

Their simple API - http://learn.wpeditpro.com/custom-buttons-api/

MCE Tables Plugin - Use at own risk as has not been updated in some time - https://en-gb.wordpress.org/plugins/mce-table-buttons/ 

Non Plugin Method (Simple) - https://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/display-the-full-tinymce-editor-in-wordpress/

How to create your own buttons (Advanced) - https://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/guide-to-creating-your-own-wordpress-editor-buttons--wp-30182



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Trailblazer FM ™ - Web agency podcast with Lee Matthew Jackson

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