How does a talented, veteran actor end up breaking all sales records on ITV’s “Ideal World”?
Rob and I talk about acting, the acting game, the realities of pursuing an acting career in Hollywood, & how he has become a legend on “Ideal World”.
You gotta love Rob Locke.
In fact, to know him is to love him.
We met on the set of an industrial “commercial” for a defense contractor, almost 8 years ago.
The first thing I noticed was that he was a cut above the other actors.
And…he didn’t take himself too seriously.
He took the work seriously…but not himself.
To me, that’s everything.
The guy’s not full of himself, like most actors are.
I love acting. I love it.
But the one thing that I don’t like about it is dealing with lame, boring, superficial, self-absorbed, insecure, neurotic, actors.
He’s very intelligent, quick witted, and has a natural charm…as you’ll hear in his episodes.
He has an impressive repertoire of characters, voices, and impersonations…much like me.
He’s a kindred spirit.
As we got to know one another better, we noticed that we had many similarities.
One of the most striking was our knowledge of neurolinguistics, influence, persuasion, and sales…and of course, acting, comedy and showmanship.
I’ve never met another actor that shared those interests with me.
He’s never used them for bad purposes, either.
You see, once you learn those topics and then master them, it’s very easy to use them to manipulate people and situations to do… bad things… and to be unscrupulous.
I’ve seen it happen many, many times.
Rob is not “that guy”.
He has integrity.
He’s hilarious.
He’s a good guy.
I think those are the reasons he’s having such a resurgence in his career.
Sometimes your ‘break’ comes from the least likely place… sometimes it’s from something you gave up on years ago.
In This Episode:
7:59 An actor only needs 80 big breaks to make it
9:25 What separates the actors from those that just want to be famous
10:24 Avoiding The Failure Factory
14:09 Mungo Jerry - Mungo Berry Vape Juice
16:30 Rob’s Viral video
18:09 From a dachshund named Smith, to an audience of 2-3 million people
20:38 Is this the real life “David Brent” from The Office?
21:04 Attention Advertisers: You too can reach this Prime Demographic
22:20 Mastery: Makes what he’s doing look undisciplined
22:50 Never change your Art…To thine own self be true
More Clips of Rob’s Brilliance
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The Art of Being Dar - with Dar Dixon
The Art of Being Dar - Hosted by Dar Dixon
Dar is a half Iranian/half American white boy...born in Tehran.
Yes, Iran.
He's moved over 80 times.
He escaped the Iranian Revolution with, literally, the clothes on his back.
He even found himself in a cult...
And through every crazy thing that's happened, against insane odds, he's been succeeding in life & in Hollywood, for almost 30 years.
People with boring lives have boring stories.
Nothing boring here.
This...is The Art of Being Dar - with Dar Dixon