being thrust into the National Spotlight - into the heart of the burgeoning Civil Rights Movement... just because you wanted to go to school... and all of this happens to you at the tender age of 15.
That's what happened to Terrence Roberts.
Terry is one of the members of "The Little Rock Nine", and when he and his fellow students tried to enter Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas in 1957, they were blocked by the National Guard.
And then they were relentlessly harassed and attacked by the white students, on a daily basis.
Sounds unbelievable?
Just look at the state of our country today.
In This Episode:
- 04:20 How Terry has dealt with his frustrations towards “the futility of war”
- 05:01 The government doesn’t like people to hear the Truth
- 05:48 Walter Brueggemann – An Old Testament scholar describes “The Extraction Economy”
- 07:10 “Unless everyone becomes a realist, nothing's ever gonna change”
- 08:17 Free thought is not encouraged
- 08:59 Germ Theory & the Anti Vax stupidity
- 9:36 Adam Smith, capitalism, the Extraction Economy and Circular Reasoning
- 10:02 Public education doesn’t educate – it has young people accept the status quo – it’s roots are in Victorian England
- 12:00 “Progress can only come when we are willing to imagine something different, something new”
- 12:51 “But to imagine a different society? That is so revolutionary” – look at what’s happening today - 2020
- 14:05 “How could all these people have continued to exist given this reality, knowing that it makes no sense?”
- 14:44 “it's everywhere. It's like water in the ocean. There's no getting away from it.”
- 15:10 How knowing your history grounds you – There is magic in knowing where you are
- 16:34 Terry gets a rude awakening to this world, at the age of 15
- 17:16. Arm yourself with information – get educated
- 18:46 Terry discovers some disturbing information, during his higher education
- 20:30 A direct way into the inner world of people
- 21:20 Some of the questions Terry asked, that almost got him kicked out of his doctoral studies
- 22:00 How Terry started with all his patients
- 23:04 Moral Man. Immoral Society – a book that shook Terry up.
- 23:34 Group-think and the phenomenon of the Cult of Trump
3 clips of "The Little Rock Nine":
Comedy Central's - Drunk History
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The Art of Being Dar - with Dar Dixon
The Art of Being Dar - Hosted by Dar Dixon
Dar is a half Iranian/half American white boy...born in Tehran.
Yes, Iran.
He's moved over 80 times.
He escaped the Iranian Revolution with, literally, the clothes on his back.
He even found himself in a cult...
And through every crazy thing that's happened, against insane odds, he's been succeeding in life & in Hollywood, for almost 30 years.
People with boring lives have boring stories.
Nothing boring here.
This...is The Art of Being Dar - with Dar Dixon