Episode 127: Patty Block and The Pricing Conversation artwork
More Conversations, Clients & Cash

Episode 127: Patty Block and The Pricing Conversation

  • S1E127
  • 29:09
  • August 20th 2023

In this episode, Kimberly Weitkamp and Patty Block discuss: The Pricing Conversation

Key Takeaways

[00:00:01] Summarizing using 7 words: Expert Patty helps women with pricing strategies.

[00:04:55] Mindset and self-imposed obstacles in business.

[00:09:22] Fixing pricing is key to business success.

[00:13:51] Pricing mindset hinders women business owners.

[00:18:57] Expanding company nationwide with virtual coaching.

[00:23:46] Steps for understanding and improving business profitability.

[00:26:54] Know your numbers, boost confidence, seek input.

The Broken Cookie Effect: "That is exactly what we as women are doing in our companies, is we're bringing this spirit of self-sacrifice."

The Value of Pricing: "When you fix the root problem, which I think all stems from pricing, then some of those symptoms will go away."

Women and Pricing: "We as women undervalue ourselves. Going back to that broken cookie idea, we undervalue ourselves and we underprice our services. And this is so pervasive."

Website: https://www.theblockgroup.net/

Gift: https://www.theblockgroup.net/my-revenue-roadblocks

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pattyblock/

Connect with Kimberly

The Audience Converter

Twitter: @k_weitkamp and @audienceconvert

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Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/3275254212546359/

Join the Event: https://theaudienceconverter.com

More Conversations, Clients and Cash

Would you consider your business the world’s best kept secret? More people in the world are looking for your help…trying to find you. If you're a community leader looking to build the right community for you, your cause, and your business...tune in!

Twice a week, join Kimberly, a marketing strategist, copywriter and creator of the Audience Conversion Method. A system designed to help community leaders attract the right people and convert their audiences from strangers to loyal fans.

On this podcast, Kimberly interviews a variety of guests about their wins, victories, overcoming obstacles and all the other parts about creating a well-known business. If you are an entrepreneur, consultant or coach who wants to change the world and level up your business, this is the podcast for you.