Defending “Financial Planner”s and Building the 4th Great Profession artwork
The Augmented Advisor

Defending “Financial Planner”s and Building the 4th Great Profession

  • E29
  • 47:24
  • April 28th 2023

James Lee, the new President of the Financial Planning Association (FPA) explains why financial planners are the 4th great profession alongside doctors, lawyers, and clergy. James talks about his advocacy for of financial planning and specifically mounting a legal defense of the term “financial planner”. He talks about his own values and practice led him down this path. And he shares his vision for the future of the profession. If you’re a financial planner, I think you’ll agree James is exactly who you want advocating for you.

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The Augmented Advisor

The Augmented Advisor is about Creators and Communicators in Wealth Management.

The podcast is presented by Blueleaf monthly and hosted by John Prendergast.

The show is about creators in Wealth. We tell their stories and try to learn their lessons. We talk about how independent financial advisors can leverage new media in their business and amplify their impact on clients and in the world.

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Meet the Host

John Prendergast avatar
John Prendergast
CEO of Blueleaf and Co-host

John is the co-founder and CEO of Blueleaf and is an active startup advisor. He is also an experienced entrepreneur and senior executive. As part of 6 founding teams, he has led the product management, marketing, and finance functions. His background in banking and wealth management has shaped the vision for Blueleaf.