How to only work 3 hours a week while making 400k in revenue per month w/Matt Yahes artwork
The Authority Project

How to only work 3 hours a week while making 400k in revenue per month w/Matt Yahes

  • E128
  • 30:48
  • May 25th 2021

Do you have the itch to start a business but still feel like you don’t have the time? Do you want a business but are exhausted just thinking about how hard it will be? Have you started a business and are struggling with burnout?

Well then you’re probably thinking if there is a way to build your business without the overwhelm of time spent on it.

Well, I brought in a guy who is here to specifically help you do less and still build your business exponentially. I got Matt Hayes here to make you live a life of freedom while your business builds for you. You just own it...yeah?

Here’s what you’ll learn:

• How to get to the point of owning your business and not being the business.

• How to obtain a team that can operate your business while you create the best things to build your business.

• How to avoid burnout by being ok to relinquish the tasks that others can do for you.

Let Matt Yahes show you how to scale your business and still be free to have a life. This is what everyone wants. Matt will show you how if you listen to him in this episode.

As the founder of Extend Your team, a Virtual Assistant company, Matthew Yahes helps entrepreneurs and operators of all company sizes grow their business by getting out of the grind. Matthew was working 14 hours a day on his eCommerce portfolio, managing a team of 6, was buried in operations, and it was affecting his marriage. The situation was not tenable.

He had enough and finally figured out how to hire an A+ player overseas who could run the operations better than him so he could focus on growth. He realized that the core issue is people look for a "Virtual Assistant" and not a "Real Professional".

In 45 days, Matthew went from working 14 hours to 3 hours a day and now it's 3 hours a week. Matthew built his past two companies with a 100% remote workforce and now helps others do the same. In his spare time he snowboards well, kiteboards poorly, and enjoys life with his incredibly patient wife.


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