Episode 138 — Brian Peters: From Franchise Support to Chief Encouragement Officer artwork
The Boardroom Buzz Pest Control Podcast

Episode 138 — Brian Peters: From Franchise Support to Chief Encouragement Officer

  • S2E138
  • 1:25:46
  • July 27th 2023

From coach to owner and back again, Brian Peters is not the typical CEO. How did Brian go from supporting franchisees at The Dwyer Group (now Neighborly) to spinning-off his residential-exclusive Evergreen Heating & Air?

From turning away predictable revenue to insights on the world of franchising, you’ll hear tough decisions Brian has made on the road to optimizing his HVAC business. 

As a self-professing non-tradesperson, tune-in to see why Brian and his wife viewing themselves as their own target customer impacts their marketing. How does Evergreen build and maintain high trust with their clients? What do you think about Brian’s Work Huddle?

Want Comfort? There’s a Club for that.

Audio Mixing and Editing by www.verbell.ltd

The Boardroom Buzz Pest Control Podcast

The Boardroom Buzzhosted by Patrick Baldwin and Paul Giannamore, is the go-to resource for cutting-edge insight on strategy, valuation and mergers & acquisitions in the service industry.

Presented by the Potomac Pest Control Group.