Episode 145 — M&A 103: A Three-Way Merger artwork
The Boardroom Buzz Pest Control Podcast

Episode 145 — M&A 103: A Three-Way Merger

  • S2E145
  • 44:29
  • September 14th 2023

‘Merge my business? … Are you suggesting that I work with my competitors?’ Maybe. Paul and Fat Pat respond to a question about mergers from FRAXN’s recent Moneyball event.

Step on in to hear if the “juice is worth the squeeze”. It’s a lot more than just getting potential shareholders on the same page. What does and doesn’t need to get unified before selling off the whole kit and caboodle? Despite Paul threatening to do a 40-hour episode, you know it would take longer than that for Fat Pat to grasp the fundamental concepts.

Is a merger really a merger? … What’s in a name? That which we call a merger by any other name would smell as sweet.

Audio Mixing and Editing by www.verbell.ltd

The Boardroom Buzz Pest Control Podcast

The Boardroom Buzzhosted by Patrick Baldwin and Paul Giannamore, is the go-to resource for cutting-edge insight on strategy, valuation and mergers & acquisitions in the service industry.

Presented by the Potomac Pest Control Group.