Episode 154 — Short-Term Risks and Long-Term Gains artwork
The Boardroom Buzz Pest Control Podcast

Episode 154 — Short-Term Risks and Long-Term Gains

  • S2E154
  • 36:11
  • December 7th 2023

You asked, we answered. More listener questions are on tap for this week’s Buzz. Starting with rate cuts. A rate cut is rumored. How would it impact M&A? Uncle Paul breaks down the signal along with the relationship between rate cuts, debt, and the overall economic environment.

Reliability’s best friend, recurring revenue, plays a critical role in a business’s market value. But some things are not worth their risk, especially when considering the timing. What should an owner NOT do when an exit is on the horizon? When is it wise to engage in door-to-door sales, and how should owners balance short-term risks with potential long-term benefits?

Before the two head out for travel for the week, Fat Pat sneaks in his own valuation question. Stay tuned to see if Fat Pat survives a day with The Mex in America’s armpit.

Audio Mixing and Editing by www.verbell.ltd

The Boardroom Buzz Pest Control Podcast

The Boardroom Buzzhosted by Patrick Baldwin and Paul Giannamore, is the go-to resource for cutting-edge insight on strategy, valuation and mergers & acquisitions in the service industry.

Presented by the Potomac Pest Control Group.