Supreme Court Backs Trump on Ballot, 9/11 Created Mistrust In Government, & What To Do About It artwork
The Brewmance Podcast

Supreme Court Backs Trump on Ballot, 9/11 Created Mistrust In Government, & What To Do About It

  • 1:38:29
  • March 5th 2024

The Supreme Court strikes down a Colorado court's decision to kick Donald Trump off the primary ballot there.

Look, however you feel about Trump doesn't matter. This ruling is about power. And courts don't have the right to kick someone off the ballot.

Congress does.

Additionally, Mike Russell and Rob Hunter discuss how their feelings about government changed.

After 9.11 America entered two wars and the government repeatedly lied to us about them.

How can we rebuild trust in America? Join The Brewmance as we come up with some ideas.


The Brewmance Podcast

Bringing People Together for Well-Crafted Conversation Over a Drink (or two).