S1 #7 | Fundraising and finance: how do we scale up carbon removal? artwork
The Carbon Removal Show | Negative Emissions, Net Zero, Climate Positive

S1 #7 | Fundraising and finance: how do we scale up carbon removal?

  • S1E7
  • 50:55
  • December 1st 2021

"It's not going to take a few dozen, or a few hundred, or a couple thousand people working on this. We're going to need many more people working on this." (Marcius Extavour)

These days, we talk about carbon removal at the scale of tonnes - hundreds...even thousands of them. Over the coming decades, we will likely need to be talking at the scale of billions. So how do we get there?

And how can a young carbon removal business progress from "one small step" to many giant leaps towards healing humankind's climate conundrum?

In this episode, join Emily and Tom as we ponder a new carbon removal business, and search for the support that could get it off the ground. Marcius from XPRIZE lets us in on how we can get our slice of Elon Musk's $100m pie; Patricia from the Carbon Removal Centre opens our eyes to a community raring to go; and Brennan from Patch gives us the key to unlock the potential of carbon marketplaces. Let the air mining rush begin...

Many thanks to our excellent guests in this episode:


To learn more about The Carbon Removal Show, including further reading, sources from the episode, and our free newsletter head to: https://restored.cc/

Thanks to Patch for sponsoring the podcast.

And thanks to Cofruition for consulting on and producing the show.

The Carbon Removal Show

The facts are clear - the planet is heating up because of emissions humans are putting into the atmosphere.

Even if we are able to cut out all our carbon emissions as fast as possible, we would still need to remove carbon we've already put in the atmosphere to hit global temperature targets.

Join Emily Swaddle and Tom Previte as they explore the world of carbon removal. What is it? Why is it necessary? How does it work? And who is doing it?

Along the way they'll be speaking to the people who are working to make carbon removal a widespread reality.

For more information on carbon removal, head to restored.cc.