S1 #5 | DAC and storage: can we engineer our way out of this?
- S1E5
- 46:20
- November 10th 2021
Measurable, instant, continuous carbon capture and safe, reliable, permanent storage. Sound too good to be true?
Actually, this is exactly what engineered solutions like DAC (Direct Air Capture) and geological sequestration claim to bring to our carbon removal toolkit. The former promises technological innovation that does a tree's job better than a tree. The latter offers one of our surest bets that once we've got the CO2 down, we can keep it down, out of the atmosphere for as good as forever.
Naturally, however, these unnatural solutions have catches, complications... even controversies. Are we engineering our ways out of one problem and into several others?
Many thanks to our excellent guests in this episode:
- Dr Katherine Romanak, Research Scientist at the Bureau of Economic Geology, University of Texas
- Steve Oldham, CEO of Carbon Engineering
To learn more about The Carbon Removal Show, including further reading, sources from the episode, and our free newsletter head to: https://restored.cc/
Thanks to Patch for sponsoring the podcast.
And thanks to Cofruition for consulting on and producing the show.
The Carbon Removal Show
The facts are clear - the planet is heating up because of emissions humans are putting into the atmosphere.
Even if we are able to cut out all our carbon emissions as fast as possible, we would still need to remove carbon we've already put in the atmosphere to hit global temperature targets.
Join Emily Swaddle and Tom Previte as they explore the world of carbon removal. What is it? Why is it necessary? How does it work? And who is doing it?
Along the way they'll be speaking to the people who are working to make carbon removal a widespread reality.
For more information on carbon removal, head to restored.cc.