S3 #3 | 2023: Year in review
- S3E3
- 47:35
- January 9th 2024
2023 was a big year for carbon removal! With only 27 years until 2050, Tom and Emily look back on the last 12 months to reflect on the current stage of the industry’s growth commercially, socially and politically. With big thanks to the organisers, speakers and participants of Carbon Unbound Europe 2023 for welcoming us to the event and for all the inspiration.
Huge thanks to all our guests in this episode:
Sebastian Manhart, Senior Policy Advisor at Carbonfuture
Oliver Katz, Founder and CEO of Unbound Summits
Michelle Li, Founder and Executive Director of Women and Climate
Gabrielle Walker, Co-Founder of CUR8 and Founder of Rethinking Removals
Bilha Ndirangu, CEO at Great Carbon Valley
Ted Christie-Miller, Director of Carbon Removal at BeZero Carbon
And our very own Producer Ben, making his on-mic debut for The Carbon Removal Show!
We also shout out a lot of other hard working CDR companies and organisations in this episode:
- CDR.fyi
- Carbon Removals at COP
- Mission Zero
- Heirloom
- Climeworks
- Rewind: biomass sinking
- Brilliant Planet: macroalgae
- Equatic: ocean direct carbon removal
- Deutscher Verband für negative Emissionen
- CO2RE Future Leaders Network: join the Slack
- Women and Climate: join the Slack
To learn more about The Carbon Removal Show, including further reading and all our sources, head to thecarbonremovalshow.com.
And thanks to Cofruition for consulting on and producing the show.
Resources and further reading
Climeworks and Great Carbon Valley chart path to large-scale direct air capture and storage deployment in Kenya: https://climeworks.com/news/climeworks-and-great-carbon-valley-chart-path-to-large-scale-dac
Mission Zero turns on UK’s first direct air capture plant to enable jet fuel made from air: https://www.missionzero.tech/news/uk-first-direct-air-capture-plant
Suck carbon from the air? US facility launches novel climate solution: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/nov/19/carbon-dioxide-direct-air-capture
On the durability of biochar carbon storage: https://biochar.systems/durability-statement/
Assessing biochar's permanence: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0166516223002276?via%3Dihub
Frontier Makes Largest Carbon Removal Purchase From Lithos Carbon: https://carbonherald.com/frontier-makes-largest-carbon-removal-purchase-from-lithos-carbon/
Carbonfuture, Exomad Green, and Microsoft Sign One of the Largest Biochar Carbon Removal Deals To-Date: https://www.carbonfuture.com/project-showcase/carbonfuture-announces-innovative-offtake-collaboration-with-exomad-green-and-microsoft-for-large-scale-biochar-carbon-removal
COP28 — Mixed Results on Removals, Markets and Carbon Capture: https://evetamme.com/2023/12/14/cop28-on-carbon-removal-ccs-and-markets/
Why Carbon Removals Are Center Stage At COP28: https://www.forbes.com/sites/phildeluna/2023/12/07/why-carbon-removals-are-center-stage-at-cop28/?sh=26a7e1e82c68
Climeworks Direct Air Capture Summit 2023 Highlights: https://www.google.com/url?q=https://climeworkscom.cdn.prismic.io/climeworkscom/9493f4d4-676f-47cc-a1f8-8959bc84abee_DAC%2BSummit%2Bhighlights%2B2023%2B%25282%2529.pdf&sa=D&source=docs&ust=1704643167135658&usg=AOvVaw1O0rP7eNt04mSMiYQB3UKo
Paying for Quality: State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets 2023: https://3298623.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/3298623/SOVCM%202023/2023-EcoMarketplace_SOVCM-Nov28_FINALrev-1.pdf
The State of Carbon Dioxide Removal Report: https://www.stateofcdr.org/
Fossil-fuel industry embrace raises alarm bells over direct air capture: https://www.reuters.com/sustainability/climate-energy/fossil-fuel-industry-embrace-raises-alarm-bells-over-direct-air-capture-2023-10-10/
Biden picks two DAC hubs for federal funding: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/cen-10127-buscon1
The Carbon Removal Show
The facts are clear - the planet is heating up because of emissions humans are putting into the atmosphere.
Even if we are able to cut out all our carbon emissions as fast as possible, we would still need to remove carbon we've already put in the atmosphere to hit global temperature targets.
Join Emily Swaddle and Tom Previte as they explore the world of carbon removal. What is it? Why is it necessary? How does it work? And who is doing it?
Along the way they'll be speaking to the people who are working to make carbon removal a widespread reality.
For more information on carbon removal, head to restored.cc.