Healing Hidden Trauma and Succeeding in Business: Annie Wright’s Experience artwork
The Cash Flow CFO Podcast

Healing Hidden Trauma and Succeeding in Business: Annie Wright’s Experience

  • S2E56
  • 40:31
  • March 18th 2024

"I would not be where I am professionally... if it weren't for having attended to the gaps in my own psychological foundation."

- Annie Wright


Welcome to a brand new episode of the Cash Flow CFO Podcast. Join me as I welcome Annie Wright, a licensed psychotherapist and founder of Evergreen Counseling, a boutique therapy center in Berkeley, California. Annie specializes in supporting ambitious women from relational trauma backgrounds and runs an online course called Hard Families, Good Boundaries. Annie and I share a common experience working with many upwardly mobile women, and we discuss the intersection of money, trauma, and personal growth.

Join us to learn the whole story!


"Trauma survivors have symptoms, not memories."

- Annie Wright


The Journey to Evergreen Counseling

Annie explains how her personal journey of healing from childhood trauma led her to create Evergreen Counseling. She emphasizes the importance of creating a specialized space for trauma survivors to receive effective therapy. But as the center grew rapidly, Annie recalls how she confronted the complexities of managing money, and the HR challenges of her ever-expanding professional team.

Financial Management Insights

Having Andrea one-on-one, Annie takes the opportunity to seek advice about finance tools for businesses like her own. Andrea explains the necessity of creating a financial management dashboard that integrates key performance indicators, budgeting, and forecasting. She emphasizes the importance of analyzing variances and adjusting pricing strategies to align with financial goals.

Key Takeaways

Andrea and Annie's conversation highlights the struggles, both financial and personal, which confront entrepreneurs. As experts in their trades, they both make clear that tools and systems exist which address factors limiting growth and development. For many, past trauma remains a hurdle inhibiting progress and constricting behavior. A therapist, like Annie, offers professional solutions. And also for many, core business success can outpace financial management capability, likewise creating a barrier to growth. The services of a financial strategist and CFO, like Andrea, provide a way forward. In their discussion, Andrea and Annie acknowledge and celebrate the overlap among what they do professionally.


"If you want to know what your stuff is, try being in business for yourself or being in a long term romantic relationship."

- Annie Wright



Want to get in touch with Annie Wright?

Website: https://anniewright.com

Evergreen Counseling: https://evergreencounseling.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anniewrightpublicpage

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anniewrighttherapist

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/AnnieWrightLMFT

Want to get in touch with Andrea Jenson?

Website: https://thecashflowcfo.com

Podcast: https://pod.co/the-cash-flow-cfo-podcast

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-cash-flow-cfo

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thecashflowcfo

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thecashflow.cfo

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0kQopRCt9TEbgYjmqA4SMQ

The Cash Flow CFO Podcast

Hey everybody, welcome to The Cash Flow CFO podcast, the show that explores the financial side of running a business for people who want to maximize profitability and scale with confidence.

If you want to make smart financial decisions based on data and put more of your hard-earned profits into your pocket, this is the podcast for you.

The Cash Flow CFO Podcast is brought to you by The Cash Flow CFO. Did you know that, on average, business owners have up to 84% of their personal net worth tied up in their business? Our team of virtual CPAs and CFOs, as well as accounting and bookkeeping experts empower business owners just like you to make big leaps that help them maximize profitability and scale with confidence.

Visit thecashflowcfo.com for more information, and thank you for listening.