Chapter 12: The Man Who Fought The Devil artwork
The Catholic Bookshelf

Chapter 12: The Man Who Fought The Devil

  • S2E12
  • 06:47
  • September 22nd 2021

Young and old will find an exciting hero in St. Jean Marie Vianney, Cure of Ars and patron of all parish priests.

They will, through these audios, get to know him as a real and lovable person and one to whom they can turn with the feeling that he will understand their needs and they can count on his intercession.

Jean Marie Vianney always found it hard to learn. In fact he made history receiving low marks on his examination after his first year of study in the seminary. But by determination, and with God s help, he became a priest.

Week by week, year by year, his fame as an adviser and a confessor grew. People flocked from great distances to his little church, and privately, among themselves, they called him saint.

The devil, furious at the ever-increasing number of souls being saved by the Cure, tempted and taunted the priest and even persecuted him physically. But Satan found he had met his match.

The Catholic Bookshelf

The Catholic Bookshelf is a program unique to Encouragement For Today, and a favorite of many of our podcast listeners. You will hear fiction and non-fiction Catholic stories read by various readers who are natural communicators and who bring each story alive. You won’t want to miss a single chapter!

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