How the Prophets Speak to Us Today artwork
The Chalcedon Podcast

How the Prophets Speak to Us Today

  • S1E15
  • 1:09:29
  • June 25th 2021

In Romans 12:2, the apostle Paul writes, “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” The dynamic of New Covenant living is the radical pursuit of proving the will of God for every area of life, but does that mean the Old Testament prophets are obsolete?

Quite the contrary, the whole of God’s Word is for us including the law and the prophets, one of the joys of Christian living is studying the entirety of Scripture in order to see its application for life and thought.

In this episode of the Chalcedon Podcast, hosts Mark Rushdoony, Martin Selbrede, and Andrea Schwartz share insights on how we can better glean God’s good, acceptable, and perfect will of God from all of God’s Word.

The Chalcedon Podcast

The Chalcedon Podcast featuring Mark Rushdoony, Martin Selbrede, and Andrea Schwartz. Watch it now!Years ago—before podcasting was—Chalcedon published a regular discussion-based audio series entitled “The Easy Chair.” We’re excited to bring back a new version of that format in the digital age.