The Biblical View of Abuse (Ep. 5) artwork
The Chalcedon Podcast

The Biblical View of Abuse (Ep. 5)

  • S1E5
  • 1:09:32
  • July 21st 2020

Does the Bible address the issue of abuse? Whether domestic, social, or ecclesiastical, there is physical, emotional, and even spiritual abuse at every level of society.

In this episode, Chalcedon scholar, Martin Selbrede, reveals the Biblical approach to dealing with abuse.

For several years, Martin has researched the subject extensively and is currently finalizing a massive study on abuse for Chalcedon’s new academic journal.

Although news and social media are currently replete with topics about the virus or social justice, the evil of abuse continues its growth undercover, and Christians must be alert to it in order to bring God’s justice to bear upon it.

Hosted by Martin Selbrede and Andrea Schwartz.

The Chalcedon Podcast

The Chalcedon Podcast featuring Mark Rushdoony, Martin Selbrede, and Andrea Schwartz. Watch it now!Years ago—before podcasting was—Chalcedon published a regular discussion-based audio series entitled “The Easy Chair.” We’re excited to bring back a new version of that format in the digital age.