Thriving on vacation with your ADHD Teen artwork
The Family Vacationer

Thriving on vacation with your ADHD Teen

  • S1E158
  • 46:57
  • June 11th 2024

Episode 158: Navigating Vacation with Your ADHD Teen


- Join hosts Rob and Traci as they dive into the intricacies of vacationing with an ADHD teen, featuring special guest Dr. Emily King. 

**Discussion Points:**

1. **Creating a Supportive Environment:** 

  - Understanding the unique needs and strengths of your ADHD teen.

  - Tailoring the vacation setting to accommodate those needs.

2. **Preparing for Structure and Routines:**

  - Effective strategies for familiarizing your teen with vacation schedules.

  - Implementing routines without sacrificing flexibility.

3. **Planning Activities:**

  - How to choose activities that align with your teen's interests and manage ADHD symptoms.

  - Balancing excitement with potential sensory overload.

4. **Managing Expectations:**

  - Preparing yourself as a parent for your teen's behavior during vacation.

  - Adjusting expectations and fostering understanding.

5. **Incorporating Breaks and Downtime:**

  - Importance of incorporating downtime to prevent overwhelm.

  - Strategies for recognizing and managing overstimulation.

6. **Recognizing Warning Signs:**

  - Identifying signs of overstimulation or distress in your teen.

  - De-escalation techniques and fostering emotional regulation.

7. **Addressing Meltdowns and Sensory Challenges:**

  - Effective ways to handle potential meltdowns or sensory issues while traveling.

  - Creating a supportive environment for your teen.

8. **Empowering Teen Ownership:**

  - Encouraging your teen to take charge of their ADHD management during vacation.

  - Building independence and confidence.

9. **Accommodations and Adjustments:**

  - Necessary accommodations in travel plans to support neurodiversity.

  - Making adjustments to ensure a smooth vacation experience.

10. **Managing Impulsivity and Hyperactivity:**

  - Strategies for managing impulsivity and hyperactivity in unfamiliar environments.

  - Creating structure to minimize challenges.

11. **Encouraging Positive Communication:**

  - Promoting open communication and problem-solving between parent and teen.

  - Building a supportive and understanding relationship.

12. **Transitioning Back to Routine:**

  - Strategies for helping your teen ease back into their regular routine post-vacation.

  - Minimizing post-vacation stress and adjustment difficulties.

- Dr. Emily King provides valuable insights and strategies for families navigating vacation with an ADHD teen, emphasizing understanding, flexibility, and support. Tune in for more tips and advice on the next episode! Follow Dr. Emily at

Also make sure and listen to Episodes 127: The Post Vacation Let Down, 79: Traveling with Neurodiverse Children, 34: Managing Expectations of the Family Vacation

The Family Vacationer

A podcast dedicated to families that travel. So many of our memories come from time spent with our family. We want to help you make the most of your family vacations. We do that by covering travel destinations, travel apps, and gadgets, and talk to travel experts for ways to make family travel less stressful. Who doesn't want that?

Meet the Hosts

Rob Jones avatar
Rob Jones

Growing up, Rob Jones mainly traveled to Florida for vacation. Those family trips to Orlando and the Gulf Coast are cherished memories that influence him to this day. His entire professional career has involved travel. From working in the music business to event marketing, Rob has traveled to 46 states and five countries. Rob has been married to his wife, Traci, for 16 years and they love to travel with their three children: Ruthie, Nash, and Chase.

Traci Jones avatar
Traci Jones

    Traci's been shaking up the Dawson County School System for four years now, injecting it with her unique brand of energy and enthusiasm. When she's not molding young minds, you'll find her co-conspiring with her sister at Seasonal Events and Design—because who doesn't love a good party?

    She's a self-proclaimed beach aficionado, never meeting a sandy shore she didn't instantly click with. And let's not forget her partner-in-crime for the past eighteen years, Rob, who's been keeping up with her antics and their three beautiful troublemakers—Ruthie, Chase, and Nash. Together, they're a whirlwind of chaos, laughter, and love.

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