Tony Maisey, Author, Inside War: From the Jungle to the Jordan - A Radical Life Change artwork
Freshstart Podcast with Author D.L. Henning

Tony Maisey, Author, Inside War: From the Jungle to the Jordan - A Radical Life Change

  • S14E6
  • 43:39
  • May 21st 2022

Meet Tony Maisey: Need Prayer? Click the link.


An engaging guest speaker and counsellor who shares his gripping life changing story with a wide range of audiences from radio/podcasts to prison inmates to the public on the streets of London.

Endorsed by Don Wilkerson, co-founder of Teen Challenge, brother of Dave Wilkerson, famous for the Nicky Cruz movie.

"I had mastered the art of hiding the frightened child, behind the mask of a fearless criminal. But years on, exhausted from holding up that same weary disguise and in sheer desperation, I headed for Peru in pursuit of freedom and the truth.

But no amount of hard living could have prepared me for what I was about to be spiritually subjected to during those shamanic Ayahuasca ceremonies held deep in the Amazon Jungle. I had now opened myself up to the realms of the demonic.

Back in London now considering suicide my only escape from the darkness that had entered me. One night alone and frightened I experienced a vision which promised me a way out. But there was something I needed to do first before it could happen."

His parents divorced when he was 10 years old. Tony got involved with the Charlie Richardson Gang, violent crime, drug trafficking, London, Spain, Amsterdam.

This is that true story.

1 - What made you get involved with crime?

2 - Does crime pay?

3 - Why did you go to the Jungle of Peru and partake in Ayahuasca ceremonies?

4 - How does your life compare now to the time before you came to know the truth?

Matthew 18:21 Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?” 22 Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times. Forgiving someone even when they don't deserve it will set you free from the chains of unforgiveness. "If the Son sets you free, you are free indeed" John 8:36

If you are struggling with depression, suicidal thoughts, a broken spirit, there is hope for you. You can receive forgiveness and peace in Jesus Christ. Regardless of anything you've done, you can be forgiven.

Get help. Talk with Tony's prayer team:

Freshstart Podcast with Author D.L. Henning

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The Freshstart Company Podcast©2023 with Best Selling Author and Motivational Speaker David Henning, Independent Certified Coach, Trainer, Speaker with The John Maxwell Team.

Copyright© The Freshstart Company 2023

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